These are a few of our latest signature products. These are all assembled in our art factory. We feature different products and projects here. Want your Watson Creations project listed here, just let us know!
laser Engraved coins
These laser engraved coins are a great way to commemorate an event, or just enjoy a favorite design. They are engraved with a fiber laser, and engraved on brass, stainless steel, copper, or aluminum. Custom orders are available. We can make any design you need, on any metal required. Take a look at the coin section for great deals or ideas for your own projects/events/holidays etc.

layered guitar
This laser cut layered guitar is a great addition to any music lovers world. They come in 3 sizes and are made to order. We have 4 color styles that we make them in, but we can accommodate most color requests. We can also add your logo or any other custom touches to make it your very own.
slate tiles
These laser engraved slate coasters are the perfect gift for any occasion and personality. We can put just about anything on them, and offer a wide range of already made designs. Take a look at our gallery to get ideas, or send us your photos or graphics to build your own coaster set.

What They Said
We have been in the business of creating gifts and unique products for over 25 years! We have seen it all and heard it all. Don’t hesitate to bring us your original projects, or large scale orders. We can fit the needs of small and large events.